• Sugar bait matrix is an arrestant to filth flies 
  • Formulated with 4.4% acetamiprid
  • Proven to deliver knockdown of house flies in just one minute
  • Effective for up to seven months indoors and up to four months outdoors when protected from rain, moisture, dirt, dust and filth
  • For best results, use one sticker per 1,000 ft.3; use additional stickers for heavy infestations
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The Little Square That Has Big Implications for Your Fly Control Accounts

Filth flies are not just an unsightly nuisance; they can spread bacteria and other disease-causing organisms. Controlling them, however, can be quite challenging — especially in commercial kitchens and other food-handling areas where these pests can thrive. In these environments, it is critical to deliver targeted, effective and unobtrusive control measures.

The revolutionary EndZone insecticide sticker provides pest professionals with a totally unique filth fly service offering that's fast-acting, discreet, affordable and incredibly easy to use. The EndZone sticker is formulated with 4.4% acetamiprid and coated in a sugar bait matrix that attracts filth flies. Long-lasting and proven to deliver knockdown of adult filth flies in just one minute, EndZone remains effective for up to seven months indoors and up to four months outdoors in both residential and commercial accounts when protected from the elements, dust and dirt.

EndZone is labeled for house flies, little house flies, blow flies, bottle flies, flesh flies, phorid flies, fungus gnats and vinegar (fruit) flies. EndZone discreetly delivers targeted filth fly control where it's needed most and is especially useful in commercial kitchens and other food-handling areas where these pests can thrive and spread bacteria.
Product Label and Safety Data Sheet
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All product label and Safety Data Sheet (SDS) information is provided by LabelSDS.com.
More Information
Sold As: Pack of 20 stickers (for a box order 12; for a case order 72)
Manufacturer: Environmental Sciences (ENVU)
Target Pests: Dark-eyed Fruit Fly, Filth Flies, Flies, Fruit Flies, Fungus Gnats, Little House Fly, Phorid Flies, Phorid Fly
ID: 808816
Target Sites: Aircraft, Airports, Airports and Train Stations, Amusement Parks, Animal Feed Production or Storage, Attics, Bakeries, Basements, Beverage and Bottling Plants, Boats, Ships, and Barges, Campgrounds, Canneries, Child Care Facilities

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