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SePRO Corporation K-Tea Aquatic Algaecide 2.5GL Jug (2/Case) Part# 10405 * For use in slow-moving or quiescent bodies of water including: Golf Course, Ornamental, Fish, Irrigation and Fire Ponds; Fresh Water Lakes and Fish Hatcheries; Potable Water Reservoirs, Rivers, Streams, Bays and Coves; and Crop and Non-crop Irrigation Conveyance Systems (Canals, Laterals and Ditches). There are no water use restrictions following application of K-Tea. Product Overview - K-Tea Algaecide is the go-to for green and blue-green algae. Delivering performance and application flexibility, chelated copper formula is the best choice for eliminating troublesome planktonic and filamentous algae from a variety of water bodies including golf course and ornamental ponds. Years of use have proven K-Tea to be an ideal go-to for eradicating green and blue-green algae. At the First Sign - Apply K-Tea at the first sign of algal bloom for quick, effective control - Combine with herbicides for broad-spectrum control of nuisance algae and aquatic weeds - Use on a wide range of algae, including Cyanophyceae (blue-green), Chlorophyceae (green), Diatomaceae (diatoms), and Protozoa (flagellates) Enhanced Flexibility, Without Sacrificing Efficacy - Can be applied in a variety of ways on or beneath the water surface for broad-spectrum control of green and blue-green algae - Ideal for use anywhere algae presents a problem water treated with K-Tea is immediately available for recreation, drinking, livestock watering, and irrigating golf courses, crops, and ornamental plants - Effective even in hard water
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Sold As: 2.5 gal jug (for a case order 2)
Target Pests: Green Algae, Weeds
ID: 414170
Target Sites: Aquatic settings, Permanent Bodies of Water [Ponds and Lakes], Permanent Moving Waters [Creeks and Rivers]
Not For Sale In: AK, DC

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